
Sponsors for the 2016 MSA Sheep, Wool and Herding Dog Festival in Ocala

Add your name to our list by sending in a contribution.  Click on Sponsorship in the "Events Tab"


As a sponsor you can have your picture on the sponsor page of  MSASheep.com. The picture must be no larger than 150 by 150 pixels and can be no larger than 10 KB. When a potential customer clicks on your picture they will be directed to your website in a new window. The order that the pictures will be displayed is randomly selected from our list.  Some of these guidelines are flexible so feel free to ask questions. I will except animated gif's and Macromedia Flash content if it is not to flashy. I will refuse any annoying  unrelated content. If you would like to become a sponsor please email the administrator at the link below. In the email please attach the file that will be used as your picture and link. Please allow 7-10 days for your information to be posted from the time your payment is received.

$5 per month
$50 per year

Thank you,

Website Administrator
